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Vegetable Gardening Hints, Issue #006 -- Your June to do list and more.
June 07, 2008

June is the month where spring ends and summer begins. We are having warmer days and nights to enjoy our vegetable gardens. If you have not planted your garden yet, now is definitely the time to get your seeds or transplants into the ground. If you are living in a cooler climate June is the time to plant all your heat loving vegetables like beans, corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and squashes. You can also continue planting your salad greens and lettuce for harvesting all summer long. June is also the month to start planning if you want to extend your harvest into the fall months.


  • Vegetable Garden Plans
    If you have not planted your garden yet, or need some guidance as to when and where to plant your veggies check out my vegetable garden plans ebooks. I have set up easy to follow diagrams and instructions for planting in raised beds , row gardening and square foot gardens . These books have simple suggestions for everyone, no matter how big or small your vegetable garden is.

  • Transplant heat loving plants.
    Early June is a great time to plant out tomatoes, eggplants, cucumber, zucchini, peppers and winter squash. If you have not started your own seedings, it is important to purchase healthy plants. Check for bright green plants, not spindly or root bound and check the underside of leaves for insects.

  • Thin out earlier sowing.
    Keep your newly sprouted vegetables such as lettuce, salad greens and root crops thinned out. A great way to do this once they are larger is to pick and eat every second plant as a "baby" veggie leaving room for the others to grow larger. Continue to plant these vegetables for harvesting later in the summer.

  • Keep your vegetable garden weeded.
    If you are not on top of the weeds they can easily take over your vegetable patch. Set time aside to do your weeding. I have to schedule it in or often it does not get done. If you have a large area or your garden has got out of hand I suggest setting up a schedule to weed a certain area each day; that way it does not seem so overwhelming. Using mulch can help to suppress weeds, so after a good weeding add some mulch to your garden beds.

  • Watch for signs of pest, insects and disease.
    The best advice I received from great gardeners is to take the time everyday to walk around your garden and observe our plants. By doing this you will be able to see if there is something wrong. One day a plant can be healthy, the next dead. If you can catch what is going on quickly you can save other plants from the same fate. For more tips check out garden pest control .

  • Fertilize your plants.
    I choose not to use any chemical fertilizers in my own garden. I believe using only organic fertilizers and amendments creates a happier garden and is better for my health and the health of the environment. Garden teas are a wonderful way to give your vegetable plants the boost they need to produce a wonderful harvest for you to enjoy. My Vegetable Garden Journal has information on when it is the best time to fertilize your vegetables to get best results.

  • Give your garden proper watering.
    How much and when do I water? is a frequently asked question especially by new gardeners when is comes to growing vegetables. Vegetable plants usually need 1 inch of water per week to grow well. If you live in a very dry hot climate they may need more. If you live in a wet climate the rain your get may be all the plants need. Place a rain gauge in your backyard to keep track of how much rain you get each week and then water accordingly.
    My garden tip is to check your soil before watering; dig down about 3 inches and if the soil is dry, give your plant some water!



    Here are my tips for growing great corn:

    • These are normally seeded directly into the ground however they can be transplanted as well.
    • Corn needs lots of nutrients so plant in rich soil.
    • Plant once temperature and soil warms up.
    • Plants need to be pollinated by each other so plant the same variety together. Different varieties need to be several hundred yards apart so in a small garden choose one variety to grow.
    • Corn silk appears at the top of the husks, after about 3 weeks the corn is ready to harvest. If the silk on top of the husk is totally dried the cob is past it's prime.
    • To test if they are ready to harvest, pull back the husk and pierce the kernels with your nail. If "milk" spurts out it is ready to harvest.


    Here are my tips for growing great tomatoes:

    • Seeds need to be started indoors about 8-12 weeks before planting. Transplant out when the weather is warm.
    • Plant your transplants deeply, usually to the first leaf module.
    • Protect young plants if the evenings are cool.
    • Stake or trellis so plants do not take up so much space and the fruits are kept from touching the ground and rotting.
    • Water once a week with 1 inch of water. A deep soaking is better than several small waterings. Water at the base so leaves do not get wet.
    • Fertilize every few weeks with liquid seaweed and when plants start to flower side dress with compost.
    • Snap off young suckers between the main stem and leaf axles to encourage a higher yield.
    • Harvest daily as tomatoes ripen.
    • At the first sign of frost harvest green tomatoes and ripen indoors in a warm place out of direct sunlight.

    Learn more growing tips for all these veggies .

    June is the month of spring and summer, at time to plant and to harvest so enjoy your abundance. Check in with for the simplest steps to having your own vegetables.

    If you have enjoyed this ezine please tell a friend.

    Welcome to the world of vegetable gardening!


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