
Pepper plants growing, mulching helps to keep the soil moist.

Peppers are a warm season crop. They are divided into 3 groups: sweet, mild and hot based on their degree of hotness. This vegetable needs a lot of sun and heat to produce well.

They can be seeded directly however they need a long growing season, so it is best to start them as transplants.

Growing Peppers

Botanical Family - Solanaceae/Nightshade Family

Location - Very sunny, well drained and open.

Soil - A loose, loam, containing some gravel and having gravel rather than clay subsoil is best. Should not be acidic. They do best in soil that does not contain an excess of nitrogen. Too rich of soil forms leaves but poor fruiting.

Soil Preparation - Dig 1 inch layer of compost or aged manure before planting.

Seed Info

  • Seed Spacing - 12 inches apart
  • Germinate in soil temperature of 24 – 28 C
  • Days to Maturity - 50–70 days
Hot pepper

Planting Times - Sow indoors mid April; transplant at 6-8 weeks.

Planting Instruction - Transplants need to be well watered .

Companion Planting

  • Positive affect: basil, carrot, onion, oregano, marjoram
  • Negative affect: fennel

Watering - Need to have regular watering during early stage of growth, once the plant is established less water is needed.

Weeding - Keep weeded while plants are small.

Disease & Insects - Cutworms: use collars at plant base. Use crop rotation.

Green and yellow banana varieties
Green variety
Red variety


When fruit is firm it is ready to pick; fruit will ripen further to red or yellow skin; once they are harvested more fruit will form.


Store in a tightly sealed plastic bag in the warmer part of the refrigerator.  Do not wash if storing fresh.  They will last 1-2 weeks.

They can be preserved by drying, pickling or canning to extend your enjoyment of this tasty vegetable.


Stuffed Pepper

4 large green peppers

¼ cup onion, chopped

2 tablespoons butter

1 cup adzuki beans, cooked

1 large tomato

¾ cup brown basmati rice, cooked

½ teaspoon fresh rosemary

Remove tops from green peppers.  Cut peppers in half lengthwise and remove the seeds.  Cook pepper in boiling salted water for 3 minutes; invert and drain.  Cook onion in the 2 tablespoons butter till they are slightly browned. 

Stir in beans, rice, chopped tomato and rosemary.  Season green pepper shells with salt and pepper.  Fill the peppers with the vegetable mixture. 

Place in a baking dish and bake at 350 F for 30 minutes.  Makes 8 servings.

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