Vegetable Garden Plan Layout for Raised Beds

"Vegetable Garden Plan Layout for Raised Beds" is a simple to follow book that provides a vegetable garden layout for two to eight raised beds.

Let me save you time, frustration and money by providing you with where to plant your vegetable, spacing requirements and a planting schedule to keep you on track.

In my experience planning is a big part in having a abundant harvest. I have done all the planning for you; all you will need to do is follow my easy instructions.

Vegetable garden plan layout

In "Vegetable Garden Layout for Raised Beds" I have included vegetable garden plan layouts for two, four, six or eight raised beds based on a four foot by eight foot sized raised bed.

I provide a diagram that is easy to see where your vegetables are planted and the spacing required. I have also set up a planting schedule for you to follow. There is also a month at a glance to do list for your garden, information on vegetable rotation, and tips for watering, fertilizing, mulching and pest management.

If you do not like a certain vegetable I have also provided an exchange list for easy replacement of something you do not want to grow.

I also offer two other vegetable garden plan books for all types of gardens, one on row gardening layouts and the other for a square foot garden layout .

Why did I write this book?

I love growing vegetables and feel passionate about teaching others to grow vegetables. I want to inspire everyone to start growing their own vegetables and to have a productive harvest.

There are positive reasons for growing your own vegetables: healthier for you and the environment, they taste better freshly picked, gardening can be fun, and a well designed vegetable garden can add value to your home.

The vegetable garden plan layout is easy to follow and will work really well for a first time gardener wanting to gain confidence in growing vegetables or for a seasoned gardener who is looking for some new ideas.

What is included in the book?

  1. Vegetable placement diagrams for several different sized raised garden beds.
  2. An easy to follow planting schedule.
  3. A month at a glance to do list to guide you.
  4. Tips and information on garden tools, watering, fertilizing, mulching, pest management and a space to track your garden's progress.


Downloadable ebook (PDF files) - $15.95 

You will also receive these

2 bonus resources
that are essential for you to grow a
successful vegetable garden.

  • Bonus #1
    A monthly to do list to guide you in having a fabulous vegetable garden. Gardening can be overwhelming especially if you are new at it. What do I do and when do I do it are questions we ask. My to do list can help you stay organized and focused on what is needed.
  • Bonus #2
    Vegetable exchange list. If you do not want to grow a vegetable that is on the Vegetable garden plan layout you can quickly find another vegetable you can replace it with. All vegetables require different amount of space to grow, the exchange list takes all this into account to make it all very simple for you.

For your convenience and ease both of these bonus resources are included in the book.

An easy to follow
vegetable garden plan layout for raised beds.

... for just $15.95

This book is filled with simple and easy to follow layouts and instructions to having a successful and productive vegetable garden.

You can access your"Vegetable Garden Layout for Raised Beds"  for only $9.95 - about the cost of a few packets of seeds which you may have in your cupboard right now and have never planted. Let me help you get started.

If all you do is follow my instructions and grow just a few vegetables you can be picking and eating fresh from your own garden all summer long.

I believe you will be very satisfied with the quality of information and helpful tips in the book. I use these plans in my own raised bed vegetable garden.


Downloadable ebook (PDF files) - $15.95 

Your ebook purchase is 100% safe and secure.

Immediately after this purchase, you can download your ebook and start planning and organizing your vegetable garden with my simple to follow information and helpful tips. This ebook is in an Adobe PDF file format.

If your computer does not have the Adobe Reader software, your can easily install it for free. The ebook version comes with a no-question asked guarantee. If you are not satisfied just email me within 8 weeks of your date of purchase and I will issue you a 100% refund immediately.

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