Vegetable Gardening Hints is my free monthly newsletter. Are you new to vegetable gardening? Not sure where to start? Need guidance or advice? I will share with you my monthly to do list, special feature and more.
I love growing vegetables and want to encourage everyone to try it. There is nothing more rewarding than planting a seed, watching it grow and then eating the freshly picked vegetable.
The information in my newsletter helps me stay organized and focused in my own garden. I hope it will inspire and help you to grow wonderful vegetables. Check out my past issues.
Sign up now, it's free and I will not sell your email address (even if I knew how!!).
I am passionate about teaching and inspiring others to experience the joy and benefits to growing a food-producing garden. I just recently downsized from growing veggies commercially on two acres to living in a condo with a front balcony for my only outdoor space. When I moved I immediately started growing some veggies and herbs in containers and found a new love of growing in my very small space.
I was still craving a little bit more garden space and missed chatting with other gardeners so I signed up for a community garden plot. Now I have the best of both worlds, I can run out my front door to pick a handful of salad stuff for dinner, or run down the alley (yes I created a community garden just a block away) to drop off my compost, pick some carrots, a head of broccoli, and chat with fellow gardeners. An hour or so of “fun” work each week is all my garden takes.
I have been gardening for over 30 years and love to share my experience, what has worked for me, what has not, what new things I have been considering.
There is no one way of growing vegetables. Everyone has their own way of gardening, we all have different climates, various garden sits and soil. Because of those differences we have our own strengths or wins each year and struggles with our space. With my newsletter I am offering to all my subscribers information each month to hopefully help each of you with your own vegetable garden.
Allow yourself time to learn, to make mistakes and enjoy the journey. Happy creating and growing in your own garden!
Aug 16, 24 12:24 PM
Jul 09, 24 01:50 PM
Jul 03, 24 04:02 PM