Cool season vegetables grow well in the early spring, fall and winter. These vegetables do not mind the short days, less sun and their flavour is often enhanced after a frost.
If you live in a colder climate you can plant these cool season veggies once the last frost is gone and the soil can be worked, usually in late spring.
In more temperate climates you can be planting these veggies all year round - just be aware if you live in a rainy climate they may not grow very well until the days get a bit longer starting in March or April.
Extending your growing season in a cool climate into the fall can be very beneficial for canning, storing or just eating fresh veggies longer. Taking the time to plan and organize your growing schedule to allow for succession planting and late summer plantings will definitely give you some produce later in the year.
For more information on any specific vegetable please go to my
vegetable list. Here you will find useful tip for planting, growing and harvesting them.
There are some common vegetables, mainly root crops that store well in the ground over winter. Some of the best I have grown are carrots, beets, turnips. The ground has to be frozen and dry for them to last the longest. If the soil is too wet they will rot quickly.
Remember if you plan to harvest vegetables over the fall and winter months make sure your veggies are protected from the cold, rain and snow.
Having a root cellar is probably the best way to store veggies over the fall and winter months. Preserve your harvest, eat more healthy, and save money by learning more about root cellars.
Brussels Sprouts with Bacon
4 cups Brussels sprouts
4 strips nitrate free bacon
Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry. Make sure the bacon is not too crispy then place the Brussels sprouts into the pan and cover. Cook for 10 minutes or until you can put a fork through the Brussels sprouts. Makes 4 servings.
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