Northern Vegetable Garden
2016 Road trip

I visited several Northern Vegetable Garden while traveling through British Columbia and Alberta in Western Canada in summer 2016.

I drove through central and northern British Columbia in early June, visiting my first garden in Taylor, BC.  I then crossed over into Northern Alberta, spending a month in that area before traveling back down through central Alberta.  I stopped off in southern British Columbia to visit 2 more gardens.

I have travelled a similar route several times over the years going back to visit my family in northern Alberta.  I grew up in Northern Alberta but have not spend more than a week or so at a time there in the past 35 years.  

This trip I took the time to explore along the way, stopping off at historic sites and visiting vegetable gardens of my readers.

I visited and reminisced with my family at our home vegetable garden, which allowed me to look back into my past.  It was a relaxing wonderful trip.

Check out below my garden visits below.

Check out my gardens visits:
Click on the name or picture to get the full article.

Northern Gardeners - Taylor, British Columbia, Canada

My home vegetable garden - Manning, Alberta, Canada

Beekeepers Garden - Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada

51 year old Kitchen Garden - Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada

The gardens I visited were very different and yet similar. Two of them were homesteads, they were started over 50 years ago when times were very different, when growing food was a necessity.  The other two gardens were just started a few years ago with people wanting a better lifestyle and part of that is having fresh vegetables and fruits for their family.  It was wonderful to talk with and learn from both the old time gardeners and the young gardeners.  

We all can grow a garden if we want.  If you are not sure where to start check out my website for great tips, my books for easy to follow designs or just go talk to a neighbour.   If you know someone who is growing vegetables they can be a wonderful resource to get you started.

The purpose of my road trip was two fold, first I want to meet and chat with some of the gardeners who follow my website and secondly I want to document how small gardeners and farmers are making a difference in their families lives and in their communities by producing some of their own food.   I want to promote how important the small vegetable grower is to our lives and environment. Start your vegetable garden TODAY.

Thank you to all the northern vegetable gardens that I was able to visit.

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